Thursday, June 5, 2008

I'm back!...uh...with a much needed update that I've been promising for...a while...

Okay, so...update time!

Today I will be telling you about a most benevolent gift given by a most benevolent person! I was talking in a forum on Ravelry, and Beth of WhorlingTides mentioned that she didn't think anyone would want anything from her shop even if she gave it to them for free, and I jokingly said that I'd take anything for free. Then she actually offered to send me a free item from her shop and, when she found out my birthday was coming up, decided to send me an entire package and refused any compensation! I am totally overwhelmed by how kind she is, and I feel awful that I haven't gotten to post about it yet (it's only been like...3 weeks...*guilt*). Anyway! Here are all the goodies she sent:

Angora/Wool/Buffalo art yarn. This is GORGEOUS! I don't know what I want to do with it yet, though. It would make a really nice edging for something. Any suggestions?

Bamboo roving in 5 different colors! I spun this all up into two little skeins, one of pink/green/peach and one of black/white. I'll post pictures of those when I've resolved a little problem caused by me trying to use my arm as a knitty noddy after pulling an all-nighter.

A little bit of handspun bamboo called "Betrothed." This is so soft and shiny and reminds me a little bit of silk. I think I'm going to use it for a lacy pair of cuffs or a necklace if there's enough.

Alpaca. Roving. Need I say more?

Handspun superwash merino in blackish navy and grey. I think I'm going to use this to knit something for my dad. It looks like the sort of colors he'd like, and it should knit up all nice and tweedy.

And last, but certainly not least, mill end roving that she dyed using indigo. This was one of her first experiments with natural dyeing, and she gave it to me! I must say, I'm still overwhelmed by how kind she is! I'm about 3/4 of the way through spinning this. Pictures to follow...eventually...maybe...ehhhhhhhhh...

That said, go buy a million things from her shop because she is a wonderful person who makes wonderful things!

Yeah, so...that's all for now...good night, fair readers!


Anonymous said...

Wow, that's really cool!

jeanius said...

i love RAKs! her stuff is beautiful.. off to window shop...

and happy birthday!

Molly Hutt said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes, Jeanius :)

Unknown said...

*struggling to breathe* huuuuhh huuuh. So.Jealous. Need I say more?! Lucky girl! But congratulations, I love RAK's, don't you?
~Chelsea, a.k.a crochetcollection