Tuesday, September 16, 2008

How have I failed you? Let me count the ways.

Okay, I'm actually not going to count anything, but okay, I'll admit it. I fail as a blogger. My knitting is too disjointed (14 WIPs, anyone?) and my photos too infrequent to warrant posting about what I'm working on, and most of my knitting stories just aren't that exciting. On top of that, my life has become incredibly hectic. My To Do list has more than 40 things on it, and the issues I'm currently having with exhaustion, aching everywhere, and very frequent and painful headaches may or may not be due to the fact that I'm overextending myself.

Now, I'm not asking for anyone's pity, but I am asking for your suggestions. What should I blog about? What do you want to hear?...and most of all, how do you unclog your brain?