Sunday, June 22, 2008

Sharing and Follow Up to Yarnevangelism

There's something about knitting...When I meet knitters in person or through Ravelry, it seems that we've all shared information with each other right away that you might never share with an acquaintance. We've talked about our relationships, successful and failed. We talk about our families and the things they do that bug us. We talk at length about the almost embarrassing sizes our stashes have grown to. We talk about how we just don't have as much money as we'd like (to get all the yarn we want, of course!).

I know I wouldn't talk about these things with some person I met randomly on the street or at a party or even online through another site. With that sort of person, I'd talk about general interests or movies or something that really can't go wrong and doesn't delve too deep.

So what is it about knitting that makes knitters feel comfortable with each other as soon as they meet? Is it that we all have something in common? I'm not sure, really...I'd love to hear all of your thoughts.

As for Yarnevangelism, I have recruited one...and he loooves tea!

On that note...WIN!


Stefanie said...

Knitting is like a whole other world that is full of generosity, curse words, (I do hate those k3tog instructions) joy, and accomplishment. There's not much else that requires you only learn two basic things (Knit and Purl, of course) to introduce you to an entire world. And when you think about it, every knitter in the world is doing the same thing as you. From the girl making her first garter stich scarf, to the grandmother knitting her three-hundred-thousandth shawl, they're doing the same thing. Knitting.

(Anyway, those are my two cents!)

dollface said...

knitting is a community of creativity, at least i think it is...

Valin said...

It's something that's not all that common. You kind of feel some sort of camraderie, especially when there's small, really specific things that you have in common.

Anonymous said...

I think it's the one thing we have in common that allows us the time to learn about the other things we might share. I'll use Genuine as an example (and hope she doesn't mind :-) ). Had she and I met IRL, without knitting to form a common bond, I doubt we would have become friendly. I'm old enough to be her mother (had I, as someone so charmingly put it recently) been a little too "friendly" in high school, and I've got two young kids of my own. But through knitting I found her blog, and from her blog I've learned that we share more interests than yarn--we both like fantasy and we both love to write. We never would have gotten there without knitting.