Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I am alive! I promise!

It's just that...APs and my research paper kind of ate my life for a while.

But I am back!

Possibly with vengeance!

Or maybe I'll disappear for another two and a half weeks. It could go either way.

I think my problem is that this blog is really only about fiber, which doesn't suit my personality very well.

So...about me...lately (**WARNING** RANT **WARNING**). Honestly, everything here isn't so great. My family is a bit of a mess due to my grandma's fourth cancer surgery. There's been a lot of fighting, and, being a kid, there's nothing I can do but watch. On top of that, my favorite teacher refused to let me make up an essay because I missed it while I was sick and didn't know about it. I was really sick, and I missed school so that I could be there for HIS musical (I'm a techie). Now, no matter how hard I work, my well-deserved (I work hard. Really hard.) almost perfect average is going to decrease by several points. Right now it's more than ten points below where it should be because of the zero factored into my grade. There's nothing I can do about this either because I had planned on having him write one of my college recommendation letters. I can't go over his head, and I can't try to find a way around it. I've been sad almost non-stop for three days, and all I want to do is sit around and eat and buy several hundred dollars worth of stuff on etsy and listen to Pride and Prejudice on CraftLit. I don't want to knit, crochet, dye, spin, or make jewelry or stitch markers. I can't concentrate on my homework, and I can't fall asleep. My parents are sleeping, and my boyfriend's computer died in the middle of our conversation (again), and at 3:32 AM, there's no one to talk to. I don't feel like myself at all, and that's what I want more than anything.

Well, now that I've shared way too many personal feelings with "teh interwebz," I'm going to go try and do a bit more work and maybe see if I can get some sleep. Hopefully my next post will be a bit happier in tone with pictures of the wonderful things Beth at WhorlingTides sent me for my birthday and news on new etsy posts (I plan to do a lot of them as soon as I get a chance).

Anyway, faithful readers: good night.


Anonymous said...

Aww, I'm sorry. That sucks.

Anonymous said...

I wish there was something useful I could say...I've been there once to. But since I was, I know that about the only thing useful is that I'm sorry things have been so rough and I hope they get better soon.