Monday, April 21, 2008

I'd show you pictures of all the new things available in my etsy shop, except...

most of them already sold! Yay for me!..okay...I'm excited. You don't have to be, but it's encouraged.

I spent some time dyeing on Friday before I had to show up for tech at my school's production of Guys and Dolls, and I think I'm getting the hang of it.

First I dyed some yarn for a sale I did through Ravelry. I call this one Hugs & Smooshes, and it's for bonnieshae. I love this skein, and I don't even like pink...

I also did some rovings, which I already sold on etsy. I think I'm going to have to buy some more base roving even though I haven't finished dyeing/selling all the sock weight base yarn I bought, but it comes from Nebraska, which is nowhere near here, so shipping is kind of a drag. Anyway, I call these colors Peel Me a Grape and Cherries Garcia, respectively *points at pictures* (the latter is named after my dad's favorite ice cream flavor...I personally don't like it that much, but the roving is nice...I'm kind of sad to see it go).

Last but not least, I dyed up some sock yarn that is currently available on etsy for $20. I call this colorway Rainforest. First I handpainted it, then I kettle dyed it.

That's all for now, but there'll be more time I do something worth posting about!


Emma said...

Wow, all the colors are so pretty, they could be art....if it wasn't so fun to knit pretty yarn!

Molly Hutt said...

Thanks! I think knitting is art, though. :)